- DokuWiki to Markdown Plugin. Download and Installation. DokuWiki to Markdown Plugin. Compatible with DokuWiki. 2020-07-29 'Hogfather' probably.
- PHP Markdown Extra plugin for DokuWiki- plugin - description: Parses PHP Markdown Extra blocks. Author: Joonas Pulakka, Jiang Le email: joonas.pulakka@iki.fi, smartynaoki@gmail.com type: syntax lastupdate: 2013-01-14 compatible: 2012-10-13 “Adora Belle” and newer depends: conflicts: similar: markdown tags: formatting, markuplanguage downloadurl.
- The DokuWiki system is based on PHP and uses plain text files, instead of a database. With DokuWiki you can structure those text files, e. Put headlines above a paragraph, add links and so on. If you want to convert those DokuWiki files to another format (to migrate to another system for example) or want to convert your files to DokuWiki.
What is DokuWiki?
Markdown is designed to be easy to write, and, even more importantly, easy to read: A Markdown-formatted document should be publishable as-is, as plain text, without looking like it’s been marked up with tags or formatting instructions.
Dokuwiki Markdown
DokuWiki is a free and open-source wiki platform that you can self-host on Docker. It is super simple to use, you can edit pages using markdown or install a WYSIWYG editor. What makes DokuWiki unique when compared to other Wiki software is that it stores it’s information in markdown files on your server rather than relying on a separate database. Since it doesn’t require a separate database, DokuWiki is not only very simple to install, it is also quick and responsive. DockuWiki has plenty of templates and plugins available that are easy to install through the extension manager within the admin configuration page.
Dokuwiki Markdown Schedule
Before you run the following command to install DokuWiki on Docker, please make sure you have docker installed. If you are new to Docker, you can review the 25 Basic Docker Commands for Beginners to help get you started.
DokuWiki Docker Run Command
Dokuwiki Syntax
After you run the command you can access the DokuWiki installation process from your browser at http://SERVERIP:8081/install.php
. Here you will setup your admin user and configure your initial settings. Once you have competed the initial configuration, restart the container. After the container comes back online, you can visit your installation at http://SERVERIP:8081
If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a comment below. App not downloading from app store.
The post, How to Quickly Install DokuWiki on Docker, first appeared on Codeopolis. Mac os 10.9 download free.