Functional programming is a style that treats computation as the evaluation ofmathematical functions and avoids changing-state and mutable data.
Arrow Functions (Fat Arrows)
ES6 Arrow Functions Cheatsheet Centering Element With Flexbox hi. Javascript html css vue console array object es6 string number code recipes. Devsocial-project/es6-7-8-9-10-Cheatsheet A complete, simple, easy to use cheat sheet for ES6 - ES10. Users starred: 4Users forked: 2Users watching: 4Updated at. ES6 Arrow Functions Cheatsheet # javascript # webdev # beginners # codenewbie Samantha Ming Feb 11, 2019 ・ Updated on Feb 13, 2019 ・3 min read.
Arrow functions create a concise expression that encapsulates a small piece of functionality. Additionally,arrows retain the scope of the caller inside the function eliminating the need of self = this.
Read more at MDN Arrow_functions
Function Delegates
Function delegates encapsulate a method allowing functions to be composed or passed as data.
Expressions Instead of Statements
Es6 Cheatsheet
Statements define an action and are executed for their side effect. Expressions produce a result without mutating state.
Statement (bad)
Expression (good)
Higher Order Functions
A function that accepts another function as a parameter, or returns another function.
Currying allows a function with multiple arguments to be translated into a sequence of functions. Curried functions can be tailored to match the signature of another function.
Array Manipulation Functions
Array Functions are the gateway to functional programming in JavaScript. These functions make short work of most imperative programming routines that work on arrays and collections.
Checks if all elements in an array pass a test.
[].some(fn) | [].includes(fn)
Checks if any of the elements in an array pass a test.
Returns the value of the first element in the array that passes a test.
Creates an array filled with only the array elements that pass a test.
Creates a new array with the results of a function applied to every element in the array.
[].reduce(fn(accumulator, currentValue))
Executes a provided function for each value of the array (from left-to-right). Returns a single value, the accumulator.
warning, mutates state!Modifies an array by sorting the items within an array. An optional compare function can be used to customize sortbehavior.
Use the spread operator to avoid mutation.
warning, mutates state!Reverses the order of the elements in an array. Use the spread operator to avoid mutation. [...arr].reverse()
Few useful librariries for Data Manipulation:
Method Chaining
Method chains allow a series of functions to operate in succession to reach a final result. Method chains allow function composition similar to a pipeline.
A pipeline allows for easy function composition when performing multiple operations on a variable. Since JavaScript lacks a Pipeline operator, a design pattern can be used to accomplish the task.
Es6 Spread Immutable Cheatsheet
Javascript Es6 Cheatsheet
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Sequelize Es6 Cheatsheet
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