Transmission Meaning In English

Transmission level translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'transmission density',transmission line',transmission factor',automatic transmission', examples, definition, conjugation. Free apple mac. Automatic transmission definition: 1. A system that allows a vehicle to change gear without being controlled by the driver 2. The act of transmitting. The transmission of disease / radio signals. A radio or television broadcast.

  • Transmission noun (SENDING OUT) C2 C or U the process of broadcasting or sending out something by radio or television, on the internet, etc., or something that is broadcast or sent out: Broadband.
  • The gears that transmit power from an automobile engine via the driveshaft to the live axle.

Patient discussion about transmission

Q. How flu is passing? I have too small children, and in the class of the older one there’s an outbreak of flu with many sick children. The last time my little son had the flu was like a hell for him, and I really won’t to prevent it. What can I do?

Transmission Meaning In English
A. The virus (the creature that cause flu is spread in secretions from the nose, mouth etc, and children may be infective even days before they actually have visible disease.
However, simple measures, such as covering the nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing and washing hands thoroughly may minimize the transmission of the flu from child to child.

Transmission Meaning In English Text

Q. Do I have hepatitis? I'm volunteering in a shelter for homeless people, and there are many drug addicts there. Yesterday, as I was serving them food one of the residents of the shelter (who I know to be a long term drug addict that uses heroine) coughed and expelled blood on my bare hands (apparently he had some lung disease). Do I now have hepatitis? Torrent client windows 7 64 bit. I know that it's very common among drug addicts, and that it's transmitted through blood contact. I checked my hands and I didn't have any wounds or scratches, but I heard the virus can infect you even if you don't have any wound, is that right?

Transmission Line Meaning In English

A. The chances of you getting hep c are very slim to none but my ? to you is why were you not wearing gloves to serve food ?

Dictionary English To English Meaning

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