Azure Ml Cheat Sheet

However, the main aim of the Azure cheat sheet is to provide you the knowledge and basic understanding of Azure including its services and other important exam details to pass the exam. So, before you start this AZ-900 cheat sheet for Microsoft Azure Exam, it becomes crucial to know about cloud computing. Is Cloud Computing worth it? Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals (AI-900) certification exam is designed for candidates having basic and foundational knowledge in the field of machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI) concepts and related Microsoft Azure services. Moreover, this exam is an opportunity for candidates to demonstrate their knowledge of common ML and AI. SEE: All of TechRepublic's cheat sheets and smart person's guides In addition to the aforementioned storage, Azure virtual machine, CDN, and Windows-related services, Azure also offers a variety.


This is part of the Machine Learning series.

Microsoft azure ml cheat sheet

With every new technology, especially in a field that seems very hot at the moment, one often wonders: where to start, how can I build it myself, where are the resources, where did I read that again, and the questions could go on...

Azure Ml Cheat Sheet

This post is an attempt to gather all relevant resources on Azure Machine Learning (short: AzureML) for future reference or for a good starting point. The collection will obviously be extended as time goes on. Let me know if anything else should be added.

1. How to get started?

Azure Ml Cheat Sheet

  • AzureML Gallery: Numerous AzureML experiments available for free
  • Where can I ask? AzureML Forum
  • Where can I request a feature or give feedback? Feedback for AzureML

2. Data Sets

  • One of the biggest datasets in AzureML: Criteo's 1TB Click Prediction Dataset
  • -- NEW --Awesome Public Datasets on GitHub
  • Open Data Portal in Germany
Azure Ml Cheat Sheet

Machine Learning Algorithm Cheat Sheet

3. Written Tutorials

  • Learning Map on AzureML: Cloud Data Science Process for Machine Learning

    • The Cloud Data Science Process: The Data Science process being generally explained in a blog post by one of our data scientists (Mopna Soliman Habib)
  • Sample scenarios to import data in AzureML: Cloud Data Science Process – Sample Scenarios

  • Learning Map on data processing: Advanced Data Processing in Azure

  • Retraining your AzureML models

    • Blog post Programmatic Retraining of Azure Machine Learning Models
    • Tutorial based on a sample scenario: Retrain Machine Learning models programmatically
  • ++NEW++ - Overview of ALL documentation on AzureML - Tutorials, Whitepapers, How-to Guides, etc.: AzureML Documentation

4. Webinars

Azure Ml Algorithm Cheat Sheet

  • Webinar-Series on Azure Machine Learning:

    • ++NEW++Overview of all webinars on Big Data and Advanced Analytics
    • Building Automated Data Pipelines for Consuming Trained Azure Machine Learning Models (27/02/2015)
    • Azure Machine Learning – An Overview of New Capabilities (06/03/2015)
    • The Cloud Data Science Process: a Webinar with Azure Data Scientists (21/03/2015)
    • Learn How to Work with Large Datasets to Build Predictive Models with Microsoft’s Analytics Toolkit (31/03/2015)
    • An Overview of the Azure Machine Learning Marketplace (14/04/2015)
    • Learn How to Create Text Analytics Solutions with Azure Machine Learning Templates (07/05/2015)
    • An Introduction to Azure Stream Analytics (16/05/2015)
    • ++NEW++: How to use LifeData® APIs available on Azure Marketplace for Marketing Analytics (21/05/2015)
    • ++NEW++: Deep Dive: Azure Stream Analytics Query Language (26/05/2015)
    • ++NEW++: Azure Machine Learning for Software Engineers (09/06/2015)
    • ++NEW++ Upcoming webinar on June 23rd 2015: Create your end to end IoT solution using Azure Stream Analytics
  • ++NEW++ Text Analytics: Short video on Text Analytics and Vowpal Wabbit in Azure ML Studio

  • Video-Tutorial in German for absolute beginners on our free online learning platform Microsoft Virtual Academy: Einführung in Microsoft Azure Machine Learning (further information in this blog post)

5. Books

  • Free MS Press Ebook: Microsoft Azure Essentials - Azure Machine Learning

  • Free O’Reilly Report: Data Science in the Cloud

Microsoft Azure Cheat Sheet Pdf

6. Others, z.B. Blogs, Forums, etc.

Machine Learning Models Cheat Sheet

  • Machine Learning @ Microsoft: Machine Learning Blog

  • Where can I deploy my Azure models as SaaS and monetise them? Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Marketplace: Azure Marketplace

    • Data Exposed Show: Azure Machine Learning Marketplace
  • What's new in AzureML? Service Updates in AzureML

  • How much das Azure Machine Learning cost? Pricing

  • Further free books and resources on Data Mining and Data Science