Metasequoia Dawn Redwood

Somewhere in the Sauraton Mountains of North Carolina, lies the Crescent Ridge Dawn Redwoods Preserve; a private endeavor to re-establish a self regulating forest of metasequoia in the Appalachian region. Here, among 50 acres of misty hills and hollows, dawn redwoods flourish in an environment strikingly similar to the Sichuan and Hubei provinces of China. Located some five to six hundred miles further to the north, but at a lower altitude, CRDRP provides a virtually identical, although slightly cooler, climate to the Chinese forests in the Shui-sa Valley that Metasequoia has called home for the past several million years. In China, dawn redwoods grow amidst oak, sweetgum, sassafras, hemlock, chestnut, and Katsura trees.

At the NC site, hemlock is replaced by Virginia pine, and the Katsura by its American counterpart; Eastern redbud. The remaining aforementioned species also live here, with the exception of the now nearly-extinct American chestnut. In addition, tulip, hickory, dogwood, elm, ironwood, sourwood, maple, cherry, and beech constitute the hardwood forest of the area. The local pioneer species is Virginia pine, which covered about two thirds of the property when the project was created in 1995. Most of the pines will eventually be replaced with metasequoia, as well as some ponderosa pine, incense cedar, western red cedar, and some other large growing conifers such as sugar pine, Cryptomeria japonica, etc. Swampy and pond areas are planted with baldcypress and metasequoia. Since part of the project revolves around research and experimentation, dawn redwoods have been planted in every conceivable location, including standing water. One has yet to drown, lending credence to the Chinese name of shui sa (water fir). Metasequoias are now known to attain heights approaching 200 feet, a fact unknown until recently. Since data is constantly changing, CRDRP will offer botanists a chance to study growth habits here in the US. It is a distinct possibility that the big trees in China have not reached their full potential in size or age. In fact, many of the original trees here in the US have already surpassed heights of ancient trees in China. This is due mainly to the fact that the eastern US has the optimum growing conditions for metasequoia, whereas it is actually too warm in Sichuan. Perhaps, in the next millennium, the Preserve will have trees that will begin to rival Coast redwoods.

he Crescent Ridge project was founded in 1995 by Doug Hanks, who is responsible for most of the progress, and acts as the chief conservation officer for the project. “It’s hard work,” he admits, “but it will be worth it. I have dedicated the rest of my life to this project. One day, people will be able to come here and see what a metasequoia forest looked like 50 or even 100 million years ago. What a sight that will be! Such a forest has not flourished in North America for tens of millions of years; possibly since the last of the saber-tooth tigers vanished into history.” At the age of 26, he planted the first tree of what will become the only redwood forest in the eastern US, and the sole wild dawn redwood forest outside of China.

The preserve is tentatively scheduled to open to the public in 2035. Visitors will be able to wander pathways through groves of dawn redwoods. The project's goal is 5000+ metasequoias, plus the other large species mentioned earlier. “I have laid the preserve out like the national parks out west,” Doug says, “Just on a smaller scale. We will simulate old growth characteristics, such as a planted ‘fairy ring’, to serve as a natural pulpit for wedding ceremonies. People will walk on pathways created before the trees were planted, giving the effect of ancient Indian trails. The trails will open into pure groves of dawn redwoods with mixed forest in between. We would also like to design one or two hilltop overlooks with views of the surrounding mountains, and possibly even a cabled suspension bridge across one of the hollows to bring visitors through the treetops of dawn redwoods.”

CRDRP will also offer a Visitor's Center, with films and interpretive exhibits, including many fossils of Metasequoia, silicified cones, petrified wood, and samples of dawn redwood, including a section of log. It will also feature anything “metasequoia related”, such as stamps, articles, photographs, etc.

A preview of this can be seen here on the site, in the “Cool Stuff” area. As the project progresses, more information will become available, and hopefully added to the site for reference.

The location of the preserve must remain vague, at least for now, for obvious reasons. If people knew there were redwoods in the vicinity, they might search for giant trees, possibly trampling seedlings in their quest. Vandalism would also be likely to occur. So for now, the exact location of the Crescent Ridge Dawn Redwoods Preserve must remain a secret, except to a few individuals in related fields. People who are genuinely interested in the project may contact Special Ranger Doug Hanks for further information.

We at the Crescent Ridge Dawn Redwoods Preserve hope you have
found this web site interesting, and will come to visit when we open.

Doug Hanks © 2005

  1. I planted a dawn redwood tree three years ago. It was about 9' tall, now it is 9' 9'. This spring I am planting a coast redwood.The dawn redwood seems to be doing fine in western Oklahoma. Positive: On Sep 1, 2009, Gascoigne from Shawnee Mission, KS (Zone 5a) wrote: I LOVE Metasequoia Glyptostroboides (Dawn Redwood).
  2. This fast-growing, pyramidal conifer has soft fern-like gold foliage that tends to not burn in full sun. In spring, the needles emerge nearly chartreuse-yellow, hold their color well into summer, then turn orange brown in fall before dropping. Deeply fissured bark provides winter interest. Makes a fine hardy specimen tree.
  3. AMBER GLOW™ DAWN REDWOOD Metasequoia glyptostroboides 'Amber Glow' Buy AMBER GLOW™ Dawn Redwood online. This beautiful, compact, deciduous conifer showcases bright golden foliage that holds up well in heat and won't burn in full sun. Attractive coppery orange fall color. Matures at a more compact size than other Dawn Redwoods, making this.

The dawn redwood tree has been around since at least the time of the dinosaurs, and has been called a ‘living fossil.’ The name of its genus, ‘Metaequoia,’ means ‘like a sequoia.’ Arnold Arboretum was the man responsible for distributing dawn redwood seeds to various universities and arboreta around the world.

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Metasequoia glyptostroboides (Dawn Redwood)

An ancient tree dating back over 65 million years that once covered much of North America, the Dawn Redwood was thought to be long extinct. Its rediscovery in a remote mountainous region of China in the early 1940s rocked the botanical world. In 1946, the Arnold Arboretum obtained seeds from China and distributed them throughout the country. The oldest Metasequoia in the country were all propagated from these seeds. With the reopening of China to botanists in the late 1970s, new seed sources were available to bring in fresh genetic material.

The literature concerning Metasequoia glyptostroboides is vast and well worth exploring. The story of the discovery of a handful of remnant trees in Hubei Province and subsequent explorations is one of the most fascinating tales in modern botany. A quick overview on Wikipedia can get you started and the compilation of historic and contemporary articles published as 'Metasequoia After Fifty Years' by the Arnold Arboretum's Arnoldia in 1998-1999 will give you the best history available. Check out the web site for the latest info including annual conference information. And don't miss Doug Hank's wonderfully obsessive site about his planting project in North Carolina. See more resources at the bottom of the page.

Dawn Redwood is a massive tree, but it has a soft delicate texture. Before dropping its leaves, it can have incredible fall color, especially when lit up on a sunny day. It's exciting to have one planted in Maxwell and I hope it does well. They are fast-growing, so even though our specimen is small, we might live to see it reach impressive height.

Metasequoia glyptostroboides Bibliography and Other Resources--coming soon

The Basics:

Height: 70-100'
Width: 25'
Habit: conical, pyramidal
Texture: feathery

Dawn Redwoods For Sale

Rate: fast
Flower: monoecious; male flowers are racemes or panicles up to a foot long, female flowers are solitary
Fruit: pendulous cones, globose or cylindrical, 3/4 to 1 1/4', 14-28 scales, mature in 5-7 months
Buds: 1/4' ovoid or ellipsoid, bud scales light reddish or yellowish brown, opposite
Leaves: opposite, deciduous, flattened, straight or slightly curved, 1/2', upper bright green,
lower slightly lighter in color, raised midrib
Fall Color: reddish brown, orange brown
Bark: reddish brown when young>darker, fissured, and exfoliating with age
Zone: 5-8
Culture: moist, deep, well-drained soil; full sun; little to no pruning; appears to tolerate very wet sites
Disease and Insects: not serious
Redwood Native Range: eastern Szechuan and western Hupeh China

How Long Does A Dawn Redwood Live

What Is A Dawn Redwood

Introduced to west: 1947-1948

Does Dawn Redwood Lose Its Leaves

*Information from Michael A. Dirr, Manual of Woody Landscape Plants, Champaign, IL: Stipes Publishing, 1998

Giant Redwood Seedlings For Sale

Metasequoia glyptostroboides (Dawn Redwood) Gallery all photographs, Emily Levine